Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Is kissing too good to be true?

Is there really a science about kissing? Of course there is! It is a mix of psychology, sexology, physiology and sociology. There are measurable health benefits to kissing. The biological reaction to prolonged kissing results in appetite suppression, vasodilation, mild tachycardia, labidol contagion and a release of oxytocin. The effects have been known to boost metabolic activity, leading to short-term weight loss.

These benefits are not without risks. Certain types of kissing may involve the voluntary exchange of saliva. While saliva consists of 98% water, the remaining 0.5% consists of electrolytes, mucus, glycoproteins, enzymes, antibacterial, and bacteria compounds. Certain diseases may be transmitted from one to another. Future posts will discuss the specific known cases where one infected person transmitted that infection to another.

Considering the risks, the mutual, reciprocal, prolonged engagement can lead to stronger psychological bonds. When the exchange is less formal and non-reactionary responses to physiological arousal, it can have great health benefits. Actually, the individual who engages in non-mating kissing is guaranteed a longer lifespan with fewer physical anomalies. Current findings in studies of the amygdala and philematological behaviors prove that we should be engaging more rather than less. I will be sharing the therapeutic benefits through future postings.

We would be well advised to find a partner to share the experience.

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